Sunday, March 3, 2013

White Collar Criminal

}  What is white collar criminal?
}  Questions on white collar criminal?
}  IS white collar crime a crime ?
}  How to differentiate between white collar crimes and other crimes?
}  How to analyse White collar crime theoretically?
}  How to explain the behaviour of white collar criminals?
}  Main laws broken by the White collar criminals
}  Characteristics of White Collar Criminals
}  They conduct criminal activities with a high level of intelligence and technical know-how.
}  The crime is related with the criminal’s profession.
}  They belong to the higher social class.
}  They conceal their identity and mostly commit crime from behind the scene.
}  Their crime is detrimental for the interest of the people and the country.
}  Effects of White Collar Crimes
} Economic Effect.
} Social Effect.
}  Examples of white collar crime
}  Corruption at public offices.
}  Crimes committed by Medical Professionals.
}  Money Laundering.
}  Crimes and corruption committed by the business community.
}  Corporate crime.
}  Cyber crimes.

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